Source code for gerrychain.tree

This module provides tools and algorithms for manipulating and analyzing graphs,
particularly focused on partitioning graphs based on population data. It leverages the
NetworkX library to handle graph structures and implements various algorithms for graph
partitioning and tree traversal.

Key functionalities include:

- Predecessor and successor functions for graph traversal using breadth-first search.
- Implementation of random and uniform spanning trees for graph partitioning.
- The `PopulatedGraph` class, which represents a graph with additional population data,
  and methods for assessing and modifying this data.
- Functions for finding balanced edge cuts in a populated graph, either through
  contraction or memoization techniques.
- A suite of functions (`bipartition_tree`, `recursive_tree_part`, `get_seed_chunks`, etc.)
  for partitioning graphs into balanced subsets based on population targets and tolerances.
- Utility functions like `get_max_prime_factor_less_than` and `recursive_seed_part_inner`
  to assist in complex partitioning tasks.


- networkx: Used for graph data structure and algorithms.
- random: Provides random number generation for probabilistic approaches.
- typing: Used for type hints.

Last Updated: 30 Jan 2024

import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms import tree

from functools import partial
from inspect import signature
import random
from collections import deque, namedtuple
from typing import (
import warnings

[docs]def predecessors(h: nx.Graph, root: Any) -> Dict: return {a: b for a, b in nx.bfs_predecessors(h, root)}
[docs]def successors(h: nx.Graph, root: Any) -> Dict: return {a: b for a, b in nx.bfs_successors(h, root)}
[docs]def random_spanning_tree( graph: nx.Graph, weight_dict: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> nx.Graph: """ Builds a spanning tree chosen by Kruskal's method using random weights. :param graph: The input graph to build the spanning tree from. Should be a Networkx Graph. :type graph: nx.Graph :param weight_dict: Dictionary of weights to add to the random weights used in region-aware variants. :type weight_dict: Optional[Dict], optional :returns: The maximal spanning tree represented as a Networkx Graph. :rtype: nx.Graph """ if weight_dict is None: weight_dict = dict() for edge in graph.edges(): weight = random.random() for key, value in weight_dict.items(): if ( graph.nodes[edge[0]][key] == graph.nodes[edge[1]][key] and graph.nodes[edge[0]][key] is not None ): weight += value graph.edges[edge]["random_weight"] = weight spanning_tree = tree.maximum_spanning_tree( graph, algorithm="kruskal", weight="random_weight" ) return spanning_tree
[docs]def uniform_spanning_tree( graph: nx.Graph, choice: Callable = random.choice ) -> nx.Graph: """ Builds a spanning tree chosen uniformly from the space of all spanning trees of the graph. Uses Wilson's algorithm. :param graph: Networkx Graph :type graph: nx.Graph :param choice: :func:`random.choice`. Defaults to :func:`random.choice`. :type choice: Callable, optional :returns: A spanning tree of the graph chosen uniformly at random. :rtype: nx.Graph """ root = choice(list(graph.node_indices)) tree_nodes = set([root]) next_node = {root: None} for node in graph.node_indices: u = node while u not in tree_nodes: next_node[u] = choice(list(graph.neighbors(u))) u = next_node[u] u = node while u not in tree_nodes: tree_nodes.add(u) u = next_node[u] G = nx.Graph() for node in tree_nodes: if next_node[node] is not None: G.add_edge(node, next_node[node]) return G
[docs]class PopulatedGraph: """ A class representing a graph with population information. :ivar graph: The underlying graph structure. :type graph: nx.Graph :ivar subsets: A dictionary mapping nodes to their subsets. :type subsets: Dict :ivar population: A dictionary mapping nodes to their populations. :type population: Dict :ivar tot_pop: The total population of the graph. :type tot_pop: Union[int, float] :ivar ideal_pop: The ideal population for each district. :type ideal_pop: float :ivar epsilon: The tolerance for population deviation from the ideal population within each district. :type epsilon: float """ def __init__( self, graph: nx.Graph, populations: Dict, ideal_pop: Union[float, int], epsilon: float, ) -> None: """ :param graph: The underlying graph structure. :type graph: nx.Graph :param populations: A dictionary mapping nodes to their populations. :type populations: Dict :param ideal_pop: The ideal population for each district. :type ideal_pop: Union[float, int] :param epsilon: The tolerance for population deviation as a percentage of the ideal population within each district. :type epsilon: float """ self.graph = graph self.subsets = {node: {node} for node in graph.nodes} self.population = populations.copy() self.tot_pop = sum(self.population.values()) self.ideal_pop = ideal_pop self.epsilon = epsilon self._degrees = {node: for node in graph.nodes} def __iter__(self): return iter(self.graph)
[docs] def degree(self, node) -> int: return self._degrees[node]
[docs] def contract_node(self, node, parent) -> None: self.population[parent] += self.population[node] self.subsets[parent] |= self.subsets[node] self._degrees[parent] -= 1
[docs] def has_ideal_population(self, node) -> bool: return ( abs(self.population[node] - self.ideal_pop) < self.epsilon * self.ideal_pop )
def __repr__(self) -> str: graph_info = ( f"Graph(nodes={len(self.graph.nodes)}, edges={len(self.graph.edges)})" ) return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"graph={graph_info}, " f"total_population={self.tot_pop}, " f"ideal_population={self.ideal_pop}, " f"epsilon={self.epsilon})" )
# Tuple that is used in the find_balanced_edge_cuts function Cut = namedtuple("Cut", "edge subset") Cut.__doc__ = "Represents a cut in a graph." Cut.edge.__doc__ = "The edge where the cut is made." Cut.subset.__doc__ = "The subset of nodes on one side of the cut."
[docs]def find_balanced_edge_cuts_contraction( h: PopulatedGraph, choice: Callable = random.choice ) -> List[Cut]: """ Find balanced edge cuts using contraction. :param h: The populated graph. :type h: PopulatedGraph :param choice: The function used to make random choices. :type choice: Callable, optional :returns: A list of balanced edge cuts. :rtype: List[Cut] """ root = choice([x for x in h if > 1]) # BFS predecessors for iteratively contracting leaves pred = predecessors(h.graph, root) cuts = [] leaves = deque(x for x in h if == 1) while len(leaves) > 0: leaf = leaves.popleft() if h.has_ideal_population(leaf): cuts.append(Cut(edge=(leaf, pred[leaf]), subset=h.subsets[leaf].copy())) # Contract the leaf: parent = pred[leaf] h.contract_node(leaf, parent) if == 1 and parent != root: leaves.append(parent) return cuts
[docs]def find_balanced_edge_cuts_memoization( h: PopulatedGraph, choice: Callable = random.choice ) -> List[Cut]: """ Find balanced edge cuts using memoization. This function takes a PopulatedGraph object and a choice function as input and returns a list of balanced edge cuts. A balanced edge cut is defined as a cut that divides the graph into two subsets, such that the population of each subset is close to the ideal population defined by the PopulatedGraph object. :param h: The PopulatedGraph object representing the graph. :type h: PopulatedGraph :param choice: The choice function used to select the root node. :type choice: Callable, optional :returns: A list of balanced edge cuts. :rtype: List[Cut] """ root = choice([x for x in h if > 1]) pred = predecessors(h.graph, root) succ = successors(h.graph, root) total_pop = h.tot_pop subtree_pops: Dict[Any, Union[int, float]] = {} stack = deque(n for n in succ[root]) while stack: next_node = stack.pop() if next_node not in subtree_pops: if next_node in succ: children = succ[next_node] if all(c in subtree_pops for c in children): subtree_pops[next_node] = sum(subtree_pops[c] for c in children) subtree_pops[next_node] += h.population[next_node] else: stack.append(next_node) for c in children: if c not in subtree_pops: stack.append(c) else: subtree_pops[next_node] = h.population[next_node] cuts = [] for node, tree_pop in subtree_pops.items(): def part_nodes(start): nodes = set() queue = deque([start]) while queue: next_node = queue.pop() if next_node not in nodes: nodes.add(next_node) if next_node in succ: for c in succ[next_node]: if c not in nodes: queue.append(c) return nodes if abs(tree_pop - h.ideal_pop) <= h.ideal_pop * h.epsilon: cuts.append(Cut(edge=(node, pred[node]), subset=part_nodes(node))) elif abs((total_pop - tree_pop) - h.ideal_pop) <= h.ideal_pop * h.epsilon: cuts.append( Cut( edge=(node, pred[node]), subset=set(h.graph.nodes) - part_nodes(node), ) ) return cuts
[docs]class BipartitionWarning(UserWarning): """ Generally raised when it is proving difficult to find a balanced cut. """ pass
[docs]class ReselectException(Exception): """ Raised when the tree-splitting algorithm is unable to find a balanced cut after some maximum number of attempts, but the user has allowed the algorithm to reselect the pair of districts from parent graph to try and recombine. """ pass
[docs]def bipartition_tree( graph: nx.Graph, pop_col: str, pop_target: Union[int, float], epsilon: float, node_repeats: int = 1, spanning_tree: Optional[nx.Graph] = None, spanning_tree_fn: Callable = random_spanning_tree, weight_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, balance_edge_fn: Callable = find_balanced_edge_cuts_memoization, choice: Callable = random.choice, max_attempts: Optional[int] = 100000, allow_pair_reselection: bool = False, ) -> Set: """ This function finds a balanced 2 partition of a graph by drawing a spanning tree and finding an edge to cut that leaves at most an epsilon imbalance between the populations of the parts. If a root fails, new roots are tried until node_repeats in which case a new tree is drawn. Builds up a connected subgraph with a connected complement whose population is ``epsilon * pop_target`` away from ``pop_target``. :param graph: The graph to partition. :type graph: nx.Graph :param pop_col: The node attribute holding the population of each node. :type pop_col: str :param pop_target: The target population for the returned subset of nodes. :type pop_target: Union[int, float] :param epsilon: The allowable deviation from ``pop_target`` (as a percentage of ``pop_target``) for the subgraph's population. :type epsilon: float :param node_repeats: A parameter for the algorithm: how many different choices of root to use before drawing a new spanning tree. Defaults to 1. :type node_repeats: int, optional :param spanning_tree: The spanning tree for the algorithm to use (used when the algorithm chooses a new root and for testing). :type spanning_tree: Optional[nx.Graph], optional :param spanning_tree_fn: The random spanning tree algorithm to use if a spanning tree is not provided. Defaults to :func:`random_spanning_tree`. :type spanning_tree_fn: Callable, optional :param weight_dict: A dictionary of weights for the spanning tree algorithm. Defaults to None. :type weight_dict: Optional[Dict], optional :param balance_edge_fn: The function to find balanced edge cuts. Defaults to :func:`find_balanced_edge_cuts_memoization`. :type balance_edge_fn: Callable, optional :param choice: The function to make a random choice. Can be substituted for testing. Defaults to :func:`random.choice`. :type choice: Callable, optional :param max_attempts: The maximum number of attempts that should be made to bipartition. Defaults to 10000. :type max_attempts: Optional[int], optional :param allow_pair_reselection: Whether we would like to return an error to the calling function to ask it to reselect the pair of nodes to try and recombine. Defaults to False. :type allow_pair_reselection: bool, optional :returns: A subset of nodes of ``graph`` (whose induced subgraph is connected). The other part of the partition is the complement of this subset. :rtype: Set :raises BipartitionWarning: If a possible cut cannot be found after 50 attempts. :raises RuntimeError: If a possible cut cannot be found after the maximum number of attempts given by ``max_attempts``. """ # Try to add the region-aware in if the spanning_tree_fn accepts a weight dictionary if "weight_dict" in signature(spanning_tree_fn).parameters: spanning_tree_fn = partial(spanning_tree_fn, weight_dict=weight_dict) populations = {node: graph.nodes[node][pop_col] for node in graph.node_indices} possible_cuts = [] if spanning_tree is None: spanning_tree = spanning_tree_fn(graph) restarts = 0 attempts = 0 while max_attempts is None or attempts < max_attempts: if restarts == node_repeats: spanning_tree = spanning_tree_fn(graph) restarts = 0 h = PopulatedGraph(spanning_tree, populations, pop_target, epsilon) possible_cuts = balance_edge_fn(h, choice=choice) if len(possible_cuts) != 0: return choice(possible_cuts).subset restarts += 1 attempts += 1 # Don't forget to change the documentation if you change this number if attempts == 50 and not allow_pair_reselection: warnings.warn( "\nFailed to find a balanced cut after 50 attempts.\n" "If possible, consider enabling pair reselection within your\n" "MarkovChain proposal method to allow the algorithm to select\n" "a different pair of districts to try and recombine.", BipartitionWarning, ) if allow_pair_reselection: raise ReselectException( f"Failed to find a balanced cut after {max_attempts} attempts.\n" f"Selecting a new district pair." ) raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find a possible cut after {max_attempts} attempts.")
def _bipartition_tree_random_all( graph: nx.Graph, pop_col: str, pop_target: Union[int, float], epsilon: float, node_repeats: int = 1, repeat_until_valid: bool = True, spanning_tree: Optional[nx.Graph] = None, spanning_tree_fn: Callable = random_spanning_tree, balance_edge_fn: Callable = find_balanced_edge_cuts_memoization, choice: Callable = random.choice, max_attempts: Optional[int] = 100000, ) -> List[Tuple[Hashable, Hashable]]: """ Randomly bipartitions a tree into two subgraphs until a valid bipartition is found. :param graph: The input graph. :type graph: nx.Graph :param pop_col: The name of the column in the graph nodes that contains the population data. :type pop_col: str :param pop_target: The target population for each subgraph. :type pop_target: Union[int, float] :param epsilon: The allowed deviation from the target population as a percentage of pop_target. :type epsilon: float :param node_repeats: The number of times to repeat the bipartitioning process. Defaults to 1. :type node_repeats: int, optional :param repeat_until_valid: Whether to repeat the bipartitioning process until a valid bipartition is found. Defaults to True. :type repeat_until_valid: bool, optional :param spanning_tree: The spanning tree to use for bipartitioning. If None, a random spanning tree will be generated. Defaults to None. :type spanning_tree: Optional[nx.Graph], optional :param spanning_tree_fn: The function to generate a spanning tree. Defaults to random_spanning_tree. :type spanning_tree_fn: Callable, optional :param balance_edge_fn: The function to find balanced edge cuts. Defaults to find_balanced_edge_cuts_memoization. :type balance_edge_fn: Callable, optional :param choice: The function to choose a random element from a list. Defaults to random.choice. :type choice: Callable, optional :param max_attempts: The maximum number of attempts to find a valid bipartition. If None, there is no limit. Defaults to None. :type max_attempts: Optional[int], optional :returns: A list of possible cuts that bipartition the tree into two subgraphs. :rtype: List[Tuple[Hashable, Hashable]] :raises RuntimeError: If a valid bipartition cannot be found after the specified number of attempts. """ populations = {node: graph.nodes[node][pop_col] for node in graph.node_indices} possible_cuts = [] if spanning_tree is None: spanning_tree = spanning_tree_fn(graph) repeat = True restarts = 0 attempts = 0 while max_attempts is None or attempts < max_attempts: if restarts == node_repeats: spanning_tree = spanning_tree_fn(graph) restarts = 0 h = PopulatedGraph(spanning_tree, populations, pop_target, epsilon) possible_cuts = balance_edge_fn(h, choice=choice) repeat = repeat_until_valid if not (repeat and len(possible_cuts) == 0): return possible_cuts restarts += 1 attempts += 1 raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find a possible cut after {max_attempts} attempts.")
[docs]def bipartition_tree_random( graph: nx.Graph, pop_col: str, pop_target: Union[int, float], epsilon: float, node_repeats: int = 1, repeat_until_valid: bool = True, spanning_tree: Optional[nx.Graph] = None, spanning_tree_fn: Callable = random_spanning_tree, balance_edge_fn: Callable = find_balanced_edge_cuts_memoization, choice: Callable = random.choice, max_attempts: Optional[int] = 100000, ) -> Union[Set[Any], None]: """ This is like :func:`bipartition_tree` except it chooses a random balanced cut, rather than the first cut it finds. This function finds a balanced 2 partition of a graph by drawing a spanning tree and finding an edge to cut that leaves at most an epsilon imbalance between the populations of the parts. If a root fails, new roots are tried until node_repeats in which case a new tree is drawn. Builds up a connected subgraph with a connected complement whose population is ``epsilon * pop_target`` away from ``pop_target``. :param graph: The graph to partition :type graph: nx.Graph :param pop_col: The node attribute holding the population of each node :type pop_col: str :param pop_target: The target population for the returned subset of nodes :type pop_target: Union[int, float] :param epsilon: The allowable deviation from ``pop_target`` (as a percentage of ``pop_target``) for the subgraph's population :type epsilon: float :param node_repeats: A parameter for the algorithm: how many different choices of root to use before drawing a new spanning tree. Defaults to 1. :type node_repeats: int :param repeat_until_valid: Determines whether to keep drawing spanning trees until a tree with a balanced cut is found. If `True`, a set of nodes will always be returned; if `False`, `None` will be returned if a valid spanning tree is not found on the first try. Defaults to True. :type repeat_until_valid: bool, optional :param spanning_tree: The spanning tree for the algorithm to use (used when the algorithm chooses a new root and for testing). Defaults to None. :type spanning_tree: Optional[nx.Graph], optional :param spanning_tree_fn: The random spanning tree algorithm to use if a spanning tree is not provided. Defaults to :func:`random_spanning_tree`. :type spanning_tree_fn: Callable, optional :param balance_edge_fn: The algorithm used to find balanced cut edges. Defaults to :func:`find_balanced_edge_cuts_memoization`. :type balance_edge_fn: Callable, optional :param choice: The random choice function. Can be substituted for testing. Defaults to :func:`random.choice`. :type choice: Callable, optional :param max_attempts: The max number of attempts that should be made to bipartition. Defaults to None. :type max_attempts: Optional[int], optional :returns: A subset of nodes of ``graph`` (whose induced subgraph is connected) or None if a valid spanning tree is not found. :rtype: Union[Set[Any], None] """ possible_cuts = _bipartition_tree_random_all( graph=graph, pop_col=pop_col, pop_target=pop_target, epsilon=epsilon, node_repeats=node_repeats, repeat_until_valid=repeat_until_valid, spanning_tree=spanning_tree, spanning_tree_fn=spanning_tree_fn, balance_edge_fn=balance_edge_fn, choice=choice, max_attempts=max_attempts, ) if possible_cuts: return choice(possible_cuts).subset
[docs]def recursive_tree_part( graph: nx.Graph, parts: Sequence, pop_target: Union[float, int], pop_col: str, epsilon: float, node_repeats: int = 1, method: Callable = partial(bipartition_tree, max_attempts=10000), ) -> Dict: """ Uses :func:`~gerrychain.tree.bipartition_tree` recursively to partition a tree into ``len(parts)`` parts of population ``pop_target`` (within ``epsilon``). Can be used to generate initial seed plans or to implement ReCom-like "merge walk" proposals. :param graph: The graph :type graph: nx.Graph :param parts: Iterable of part labels (like ``[0,1,2]`` or ``range(4)``) :type parts: Sequence :param pop_target: Target population for each part of the partition :type pop_target: Union[float, int] :param pop_col: Node attribute key holding population data :type pop_col: str :param epsilon: How far (as a percentage of ``pop_target``) from ``pop_target`` the parts of the partition can be :type epsilon: float :param node_repeats: Parameter for :func:`~gerrychain.tree_methods.bipartition_tree` to use. Defaluts to 1. :type node_repeats: int, optional :param method: The partition method to use. Defaults to `partial(bipartition_tree, max_attempts=10000)`. :type method: Callable, optional :returns: New assignments for the nodes of ``graph``. :rtype: dict """ flips = {} remaining_nodes = graph.node_indices # We keep a running tally of deviation from ``epsilon`` at each partition # and use it to tighten the population constraints on a per-partition # basis such that every partition, including the last partition, has a # population within +/-``epsilon`` of the target population. # For instance, if district n's population exceeds the target by 2% # with a +/-2% epsilon, then district n+1's population should be between # 98% of the target population and the target population. debt: Union[int, float] = 0 for part in parts[:-1]: min_pop = max(pop_target * (1 - epsilon), pop_target * (1 - epsilon) - debt) max_pop = min(pop_target * (1 + epsilon), pop_target * (1 + epsilon) - debt) new_pop_target = (min_pop + max_pop) / 2 try: nodes = method( graph.subgraph(remaining_nodes), pop_col=pop_col, pop_target=new_pop_target, epsilon=(max_pop - min_pop) / (2 * new_pop_target), node_repeats=node_repeats, ) except Exception: raise if nodes is None: raise BalanceError() part_pop = 0 for node in nodes: flips[node] = part part_pop += graph.nodes[node][pop_col] debt += part_pop - pop_target remaining_nodes -= nodes # All of the remaining nodes go in the last part for node in remaining_nodes: flips[node] = parts[-1] return flips
[docs]def get_seed_chunks( graph: nx.Graph, num_chunks: int, num_dists: int, pop_target: Union[int, float], pop_col: str, epsilon: float, node_repeats: int = 1, method: Callable = partial(bipartition_tree_random, max_attempts=10000), ) -> List[List[int]]: """ Helper function for recursive_seed_part. Partitions the graph into ``num_chunks`` chunks, balanced within new_epsilon <= ``epsilon`` of a balanced target population. :param graph: The graph :type graph: nx.Graph :param num_chunks: The number of chunks to partition the graph into :type num_chunks: int :param num_dists: The number of districts :type num_dists: int :param pop_target: The target population of the districts (not of the chunks) :type pop_target: Union[int, float] :param pop_col: Node attribute key holding population data :type pop_col: str :param epsilon: How far (as a percentage of ``pop_target``) from ``pop_target`` the parts of the partition can be :type epsilon: float :param node_repeats: Parameter for :func:`~gerrychain.tree_methods.bipartition_tree_random` to use. Defaults to 1. :type node_repeats: int, optional :param method: The method to use for bipartitioning the graph. Defaults to :func:`~gerrychain.tree_methods.bipartition_tree_random` :type method: Callable, optional :returns: New assignments for the nodes of ``graph``. :rtype: List[List[int]] """ num_chunks_left = num_dists // num_chunks parts = range(num_chunks) new_epsilon = epsilon / (num_chunks_left * num_chunks) if num_chunks_left == 1: new_epsilon = epsilon chunk_pop = 0 for node in graph.node_indices: chunk_pop += graph.nodes[node][pop_col] while True: epsilon = abs(epsilon) flips = {} remaining_nodes = set(graph.nodes) min_pop = pop_target * (1 - new_epsilon) * num_chunks_left max_pop = pop_target * (1 + new_epsilon) * num_chunks_left chunk_pop_target = chunk_pop / num_chunks diff = min(max_pop - chunk_pop_target, chunk_pop_target - min_pop) new_new_epsilon = diff / chunk_pop_target for i in range(len(parts[:-1])): part = parts[i] nodes = method( graph.subgraph(remaining_nodes), pop_col=pop_col, pop_target=chunk_pop_target, epsilon=new_new_epsilon, node_repeats=node_repeats, ) if nodes is None: raise BalanceError() for node in nodes: flips[node] = part remaining_nodes -= nodes # All of the remaining nodes go in the last part for node in remaining_nodes: flips[node] = parts[-1] part_pop = 0 for node in remaining_nodes: part_pop += graph.nodes[node][pop_col] part_pop_as_dist = part_pop / num_chunks_left fake_epsilon = epsilon if num_chunks_left != 1: fake_epsilon = epsilon / 2 min_pop_as_dist = pop_target * (1 - fake_epsilon) max_pop_as_dist = pop_target * (1 + fake_epsilon) if part_pop_as_dist < min_pop_as_dist: new_epsilon = new_epsilon / 2 elif part_pop_as_dist > max_pop_as_dist: new_epsilon = new_epsilon / 2 else: break chunks: Dict[Any, List] = {} for key in flips.keys(): if flips[key] not in chunks.keys(): chunks[flips[key]] = [] chunks[flips[key]].append(key) return list(chunks.values())
[docs]def get_max_prime_factor_less_than(n: int, ceil: int) -> Optional[int]: """ Helper function for recursive_seed_part_inner. Returns the largest prime factor of ``n`` less than ``ceil``, or None if all are greater than ceil. :param n: The number to find the largest prime factor for. :type n: int :param ceil: The upper limit for the largest prime factor. :type ceil: int :returns: The largest prime factor of ``n`` less than ``ceil``, or None if all are greater than ceil. :rtype: Optional[int] """ if n <= 1 or ceil <= 1: return None largest_factor = None while n % 2 == 0: largest_factor = 2 n //= 2 i = 3 while i * i <= n: while n % i == 0: if i <= ceil: largest_factor = i n //= i i += 2 if n > 1 and n <= ceil: largest_factor = n return largest_factor
[docs]def recursive_seed_part_inner( graph: nx.Graph, num_dists: int, pop_target: Union[float, int], pop_col: str, epsilon: float, method: Callable = partial(bipartition_tree, max_attempts=10000), node_repeats: int = 1, n: Optional[int] = None, ceil: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Set]: """ Inner function for recursive_seed_part. Returns a partition with ``num_dists`` districts balanced within ``epsilon`` of ``pop_target``. Splits graph into num_chunks chunks, and then recursively splits each chunk into ``num_dists``/num_chunks chunks. The number num_chunks of chunks is chosen based on ``n`` and ``ceil`` as follows: - If ``n`` is None, and ``ceil`` is None, num_chunks is the largest prime factor of ``num_dists``. - If ``n`` is None and ``ceil`` is an integer at least 2, then num_chunks is the largest prime factor of ``num_dists`` that is less than ``ceil`` - If ``n`` is a positive integer, num_chunks equals n. Finally, if the number of chunks as chosen above does not divide ``num_dists``, then this function bites off a single district from the graph and recursively partitions the remaining graph into ``num_dists - 1`` districts. :param graph: The underlying graph structure. :type graph: nx.Graph :param num_dists: number of districts to partition the graph into :type num_dists: int :param pop_target: Target population for each part of the partition :type pop_target: Union[float, int] :param pop_col: Node attribute key holding population data :type pop_col: str :param epsilon: How far (as a percentage of ``pop_target``) from ``pop_target`` the parts of the partition can be :type epsilon: float :param method: Function used to find balanced partitions at the 2-district level. Defaults to :func:`~gerrychain.tree_methods.bipartition_tree` :type method: Callable, optional :param node_repeats: Parameter for :func:`~gerrychain.tree_methods.bipartition_tree` to use. Defaults to 1. :type node_repeats: int, optional :param n: Either a positive integer (greater than 1) or None. If n is a positive integer, this function will recursively create a seed plan by either biting off districts from graph or dividing graph into n chunks and recursing into each of these. If n is None, this function prime factors ``num_dists``=n_1*n_2*...*n_k (n_1 > n_2 > ... n_k) and recursively partitions graph into n_1 chunks. Defaults to None. :type n: Optional[int], optional :param ceil: Either a positive integer (at least 2) or None. Relevant only if n is None. If ``ceil`` is a positive integer then finds the largest factor of ``num_dists`` less than or equal to ``ceil``, and recursively splits graph into that number of chunks, or bites off a district if that number is 1. Defaults to None. :type ceil: Optional[int], optional :returns: New assignments for the nodes of ``graph``. :rtype: List of lists, each list is a district """ # Chooses num_chunks if n is None: if ceil is None: num_chunks = get_max_prime_factor_less_than(num_dists, num_dists) elif ceil >= 2: num_chunks = get_max_prime_factor_less_than(num_dists, ceil) else: raise ValueError("ceil must be None or at least 2") elif n > 1: num_chunks = n else: raise ValueError("n must be None or a positive integer") # base case if num_dists == 1: return [set(graph.nodes)] # bite off a district and recurse into the remaining subgraph elif num_chunks is None or num_dists % num_chunks != 0: remaining_nodes = set(graph.nodes) nodes = method( graph.subgraph(remaining_nodes), pop_col=pop_col, pop_target=pop_target, epsilon=epsilon, node_repeats=node_repeats, ) remaining_nodes -= nodes assignment = [nodes] + recursive_seed_part_inner( graph.subgraph(remaining_nodes), num_dists - 1, pop_target, pop_col, epsilon, method, n=n, ceil=ceil, ) # split graph into num_chunks chunks, and recurse into each chunk elif num_dists % num_chunks == 0: chunks = get_seed_chunks( graph, num_chunks, num_dists, pop_target, pop_col, epsilon, method=method ) assignment = [] for chunk in chunks: chunk_assignment = recursive_seed_part_inner( graph.subgraph(chunk), num_dists // num_chunks, pop_target, pop_col, epsilon, method, n=n, ceil=ceil, ) assignment += chunk_assignment return assignment
[docs]def recursive_seed_part( graph: nx.Graph, parts: Sequence, pop_target: Union[float, int], pop_col: str, epsilon: float, method: Callable = partial(bipartition_tree, max_attempts=10000), node_repeats: int = 1, n: Optional[int] = None, ceil: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dict: """ Returns a partition with ``num_dists`` districts balanced within ``epsilon`` of ``pop_target`` by recursively splitting graph using recursive_seed_part_inner. :param graph: The graph :type graph: nx.Graph :param parts: Iterable of part labels (like ``[0,1,2]`` or ``range(4)`` :type parts: Sequence :param pop_target: Target population for each part of the partition :type pop_target: Union[float, int] :param pop_col: Node attribute key holding population data :type pop_col: str :param epsilon: How far (as a percentage of ``pop_target``) from ``pop_target`` the parts of the partition can be :type epsilon: float :param method: Function used to find balanced partitions at the 2-district level Defaults to :func:`~gerrychain.tree_methods.bipartition_tree` :type method: Callable, optional :param node_repeats: Parameter for :func:`~gerrychain.tree_methods.bipartition_tree` to use. Defaults to 1. :type node_repeats: int, optional :param n: Either a positive integer (greater than 1) or None. If n is a positive integer, this function will recursively create a seed plan by either biting off districts from graph or dividing graph into n chunks and recursing into each of these. If n is None, this function prime factors ``num_dists``=n_1*n_2*...*n_k (n_1 > n_2 > ... n_k) and recursively partitions graph into n_1 chunks. Defaults to None. :type n: Optional[int], optional :param ceil: Either a positive integer (at least 2) or None. Relevant only if n is None. If ``ceil`` is a positive integer then finds the largest factor of ``num_dists`` less than or equal to ``ceil``, and recursively splits graph into that number of chunks, or bites off a district if that number is 1. Defaults to None. :type ceil: Optional[int], optional :returns: New assignments for the nodes of ``graph``. :rtype: dict """ flips = {} assignment = recursive_seed_part_inner( graph, len(parts), pop_target, pop_col, epsilon, method=method, node_repeats=node_repeats, n=n, ceil=ceil, ) for i in range(len(assignment)): for node in assignment[i]: flips[node] = parts[i] return flips
[docs]class BalanceError(Exception): """Raised when a balanced cut cannot be found."""